Exercise 10.8

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

%matplotlib inline
# Import dataset
df = pd.read_csv('../data/USArrests.csv', index_col=0)
# Data overview
Murder Assault UrbanPop Rape
Alabama 13.2 236 58 21.2
Alaska 10.0 263 48 44.5
Arizona 8.1 294 80 31.0
Arkansas 8.8 190 50 19.5
California 9.0 276 91 40.6
# Scale data (standardize)
scl = StandardScaler()
df_scl = scl.fit_transform(df)

Note: We should standardize the data because scale is an issue in this exercise. The variance of the variable Assault is significantly larger than the variance of the remaining variables. Thus, if we perform PCA on the unscaled variables, then the first principal component loading vector will have a very large loading for Assault. This would take us to a misleading solution.


pca = PCA()
PCA(copy=True, iterated_power='auto', n_components=None, random_state=None,
  svd_solver='auto', tol=0.0, whiten=False)
# Proportion of variance explained
# This is equivalent to do sdev output of the prcomp() function in R.
array([ 0.62006039,  0.24744129,  0.0891408 ,  0.04335752])


# Loadings of the principal components
# Rows are the loading vectors (see References)
array([[ 0.53589947,  0.58318363,  0.27819087,  0.54343209],
       [ 0.41818087,  0.1879856 , -0.87280619, -0.16731864],
       [-0.34123273, -0.26814843, -0.37801579,  0.81777791],
       [ 0.6492278 , -0.74340748,  0.13387773,  0.08902432]])
# Centered and scaled variables
# In (a) we used centered ans scaled variables, so we should use the same data here.
array([[ 1.25517927,  0.79078716, -0.52619514, -0.00345116],
       [ 0.51301858,  1.11805959, -1.22406668,  2.50942392],
       [ 0.07236067,  1.49381682,  1.00912225,  1.05346626],
       [ 0.23470832,  0.23321191, -1.08449238, -0.18679398],
       [ 0.28109336,  1.2756352 ,  1.77678094,  2.08881393],
       [ 0.02597562,  0.40290872,  0.86954794,  1.88390137],
       [-1.04088037, -0.73648418,  0.79976079, -1.09272319],
       [-0.43787481,  0.81502956,  0.45082502, -0.58583422],
       [ 1.76541475,  1.99078607,  1.00912225,  1.1505301 ],
       [ 2.22926518,  0.48775713, -0.38662083,  0.49265293],
       [-0.57702994, -1.51224105,  1.21848371, -0.11129987],
       [-1.20322802, -0.61527217, -0.80534376, -0.75839217],
       [ 0.60578867,  0.94836277,  1.21848371,  0.29852525],
       [-0.13637203, -0.70012057, -0.03768506, -0.0250209 ],
       [-1.29599811, -1.39102904, -0.5959823 , -1.07115345],
       [-0.41468229, -0.67587817,  0.03210209, -0.34856705],
       [ 0.44344101, -0.74860538, -0.94491807, -0.53190987],
       [ 1.76541475,  0.94836277,  0.03210209,  0.10439756],
       [-1.31919063, -1.06375661, -1.01470522, -1.44862395],
       [ 0.81452136,  1.56654403,  0.10188925,  0.70835037],
       [-0.78576263, -0.26375734,  1.35805802, -0.53190987],
       [ 1.00006153,  1.02108998,  0.59039932,  1.49564599],
       [-1.1800355 , -1.19708982,  0.03210209, -0.68289807],
       [ 1.9277624 ,  1.06957478, -1.5032153 , -0.44563089],
       [ 0.28109336,  0.0877575 ,  0.31125071,  0.75148985],
       [-0.41468229, -0.74860538, -0.87513091, -0.521125  ],
       [-0.80895515, -0.83345379, -0.24704653, -0.51034012],
       [ 1.02325405,  0.98472638,  1.0789094 ,  2.671197  ],
       [-1.31919063, -1.37890783, -0.66576945, -1.26528114],
       [-0.08998698, -0.14254532,  1.63720664, -0.26228808],
       [ 0.83771388,  1.38472601,  0.31125071,  1.17209984],
       [ 0.76813632,  1.00896878,  1.42784517,  0.52500755],
       [ 1.20879423,  2.01502847, -1.43342815, -0.55347961],
       [-1.62069341, -1.52436225, -1.5032153 , -1.50254831],
       [-0.11317951, -0.61527217,  0.66018648,  0.01811858],
       [-0.27552716, -0.23951493,  0.1716764 , -0.13286962],
       [-0.66980002, -0.14254532,  0.10188925,  0.87012344],
       [-0.34510472, -0.78496898,  0.45082502, -0.68289807],
       [-1.01768785,  0.03927269,  1.49763233, -1.39469959],
       [ 1.53348953,  1.3119988 , -1.22406668,  0.13675217],
       [-0.92491776, -1.027393  , -1.43342815, -0.90938037],
       [ 1.25517927,  0.20896951, -0.45640799,  0.61128652],
       [ 1.13921666,  0.36654512,  1.00912225,  0.46029832],
       [-1.06407289, -0.61527217,  1.00912225,  0.17989166],
       [-1.29599811, -1.48799864, -2.34066115, -1.08193832],
       [ 0.16513075, -0.17890893, -0.17725937, -0.05737552],
       [-0.87853272, -0.31224214,  0.52061217,  0.53579242],
       [-0.48425985, -1.08799901, -1.85215107, -1.28685088],
       [-1.20322802, -1.42739264,  0.03210209, -1.1250778 ],
       [-0.22914211, -0.11830292, -0.38662083, -0.60740397]])
# Application of Equation 10.8

for k in range(0,np.shape(pca.components_)[1]):
    # Numerator
    accum = 0
    num = 0
    for i in range(0, np.shape(df_scl)[0]):
        for j in range(0, np.shape(df_scl)[1]):
            accum += pca.components_[k][j] * df_scl[i][j]
        num += accum**2
        accum = 0

    # Denominator
    accum = 0
    den = 0
    for j in range(0, np.shape(df_scl)[1]):
        for i in range(0, np.shape(df_scl)[0]):
            accum += df_scl[i][j]**2
        den += accum
        accum = 0

    # Result
    print('principal component number:', k+1)
principal component number: 1
principal component number: 2
principal component number: 3
principal component number: 4
